Sample results report
An example of the quarterly results report used by grantees to measure the impact of their programs.
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About this resource
Freedom Fund grantee partners are asked to submit quarterly reports on project progress. We provide extensive training on monitoring and evaluation as well as how to map metrics against the Freedom Fund’s global indicators, which we use to provide a global picture of results across partners.
Records such as case files, attendance lists, enrolment documents, and government receipts are kept by our NGO partners to track the frequency and scale of field activities and the number of participants. Where necessary, Program Advisors work closely with partners to strengthen their record-keeping procedures. Based on these field records, partners report their results using a standard template. Caution is taken to avoid double counting participants across different program activities and time periods. Since Program Advisors have intimate knowledge of partners’ programs (they meet each partner roughly once a month), they can effectively “sense check” the figures, identify any questionable results that need verifying, and minimise reporting errors.
Every six months, results are aggregated across all hotspots and reviewed by the Freedom Fund team. These are then published on our Freedom Fund website.
This download contains an example of the quarterly results report.
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