Partner Feedback Report & Action Plan
A report summarising the results of our 2022 survey of grantee partners, along with our management response and action plan.
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About this resource
In 2022, Keystone Accountability, an independent not-for-profit that specialises in improving accountability in international aid and philanthropy, surveyed Freedom Fund grassroots NGO grantees on a range of questions to do with the quality of their partnership with the Freedom Fund. Although the Freedom Fund has regular opportunities to engage with partners and gather their feedback, this survey is the first time we have employed an external organisation to solicit anonymous feedback from our partners about their partnership with us.
The results of the survey also allowed the Freedom Fund to benchmark itself against other funders, drawing on data from Keystone’s global cohort of social change organisations.
Download the survey findings in full, along with our management response and action plan, which have been developed in consultation with our staff and the feedback from our partners.
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