Due Diligence Guide & Templates
An overview of our three-tiered due diligence process for potential grantees and related templates.
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About this resource
The Freedom Fund requires that all partner organisations (hotspot implementing partners, technical assistance partners, research partners and partners within our corporate accountability and movement building portfolios) undergo a due diligence assessment prior to funding. While the overall goals of due diligence related to safeguarding and financial compliance, we also designed the process with the intention that it be mutually beneficial and constructive for applicants, supporting the organisation to build capacity in areas identified as gaps. We take a three-tiered approach to this process, with organisations following basic, standard or enhanced pathways based on organisational characteristics and the type of partnership we are considering.
Included in this download is an overview of the Freedom Fund due diligence process and accompanying forms for each of the three due diligence pathways.
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